Event Details
  • The workshop is designed to run for circa 1 hour during which participants are taken through cyber risk awareness, skills application and hands-on experience of cyber security forensics.
    An overview of the workshop is as follows:
    • Cyber risk awareness talk which provides an overview of the data collection and information processing process, along with how our data can be used for good and where it ends up if it gets in the wrong hands.
    • A series of demos covering information hiding and forensics which is aimed at highlighting the challenging task faced by forensic analysts in investigating cybercrime.
    • The cyber security workshop culminates in a cyber-security challenge activity aimed at giving participants hands-on experience of using cyber security and forensics skills.
    • A short quiz during which the participants are grouped into teams of 4 and 5 to compete for prizes.
Age group
  • 11 to 18 years
Event Details